
Strago s.r.l. and CINI consortium.


The goal of the REMOAM research project is the definition of next generation systems for environmental monitoring and for on-line evaluation of risks. More in detail, the project aims at the development of i) new wireless sensor devices, specifically targeted for monitoring relevant environmental parameters, and of ii) innovative software architectures for gathering and managing the data collected from the sensors. The data are then used to trigger alarms which are useful to the final user (such as regional authorities) to take adequate countermeasures. The case study of the system will be tailored on the specific scenario of landslides monitoring; landslides are frequent geological phenomena in the regional territory. The study and research activity take place at both the CINI-ITEM “Carlo Savy” laboratory at Naples, and the Strago’s research laboratory at Pozzuoli (Naples). Project activities are co-fundend by the Regione Campania in the framework of the “POR Campania 200/2006 Misura 3.17, Bando per la concessione degli aiuti alle PMI in attuazione dell’Accordo di Programma Quadro in materia di e-government e Società dell’Informazione. Progetto Metadistretto del settore ICT”.


Domenico Cotroneo