Selex-SI, CINI consortium, SESM consortium, FINMECCANICA, Departement of Computer Science and System Engineering (DIS) of University of Naples FEDERICO II
Iniziativa Software project is a Finmeccanica initiative started in February 2010, after the signature of a CINI-Finmeccanica Framework Agreement. The project concerns the creation of public-private laboratories in the field of software research. Several contracts have been undersigned between CINI (National Inter-universitary Consortium for Computer Science) and SESM scarl, a Finmeccanica Group Research Centre (deputy for the follow-up of ISW project). Research related to project consists of the two main activities dealing with:
Supervision of complex software systems and monitoring of service quality within ATC(Air Traffic Control)”. For complex mission and Safety critical systems, which generally are distributed and made up of several interacting components/services, the task of supervision is crucial due to the strict dependability constraints. In fact the ability of controlling the status of the monitored system, and of starting recovery and reconfiguration actions to prevent QoS degradation or as a reaction to anomalous and unexpected events is a critical and needful task for each dependable system.
Definition and validation of advanced testing technique of distributed mission-critical software systems, with experiments under-critical systems produced by SELEX Sistemi Integrati”. Software testing is a very hard and expendive task for complex mission and Safety critical systems. This task can be aided significantly by models and techniques developed at CINI (contextualizing to projects underway in the SELEX).