


Flagship 4 aims to explore innovative technological solutions enabling multi- tenancy HPC/Cloud platforms with strong security and data privacy guaran- tees. As part of the previous activities in the flagship, documented in D4.FL4 Survey of state-of-the-art approaches and gap analysis, the participants iden- tified the key areas of interest for the project, including RISC-V Trusted Ex- ecution Environments, accelerator (FPGA) oriented TEE support, secure vir- tualization, Federated Learning, trustworthy AI, social media data analysis, numerical analysis, trusted distributed workflows, and stochastics models. Furthermore, in the context of the activities herein reported, the partic- ipants have identified a range of industrial players potentially benefiting from the flagship results. Some of the large companies in the CN have expressed their interest in the activities related to the flagship, involving resource optimization, federated learning, fault recovery, and on-premise and on-cloud resource man- agement, as well as hardware/software-level security primitives for trustworthy computing, security algorithms and protocols for confidentiality and attestation.

Aiming at the selection of candidate prototypes also due at Month 8 as part of Milestone 5, we identified a range of key technologies and IPs that will provide the main building blocks for the prototypes developed in Flagship 4, described in this deliverable. The selection of key technologies and IPs, in particular, has been driven by the gaps identified in D4.FL4, so as to provide effective answers to the open issues in the state of the art. The relevant gaps are also recalled below as a starting point for the presentation of the key technologies in the flagship

Start date: 01/09/2022 End date: 31/08/2025


Politecnico di Torino
Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II
Università degli Studi di Torino


Domenico Cotroneo