Using CORBA Interceptors to Implement a Security Wrapper (bibtex)
by Cotroneo, D., Mazzeo, A., Romano, L. and Russo, S.
Using CORBA Interceptors to Implement a Security Wrapper (Cotroneo, D., Mazzeo, A., Romano, L. and Russo, S.), In , 2002.
Bibtex Entry:
@Article{         using2002cotroneo,
  author        = {Cotroneo, D. and Mazzeo, A. and Romano, L. and Russo, S.},
  booktitle     = {SSGRR (Scuola Superiore G. Reiss Romoli) Annual Conference
                  (SSGRR 2002)},
  location      = {L'Aquila, Italia},
  title         = {Using CORBA Interceptors to Implement a Security Wrapper},
  year          = {2002}
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